Here at we work with any number of advertisers via services like Google Adsense, an upstart named, AdHitz that allows advertisers to target every page of our website (See the green ads above) another upstart called Big Extra Cash and finally, a new search engine, Kooday. We also participate in the affiliate network on their PPC (Pay Per Click) and/or PPS (Pay Per Sale) programs.
And while any of the above companies can offer you advertising, Kooday is currently the advertiser that has our attention.
Kooday is attempting to launch a search engine that will go head to head with Google, Yahoo and Bing. And they're doing so by selling the one thing that no other search engine or other online advertiser has ever sold-- the actual keywords that search engine customers bid on when placing advertisements through the various pay per click advertising companies including Bing, Yahoo and yes, even Google.
We invested $20.oo in Kooday just a little over a week ago and have already seen a small profit from our meager investment. It's true, this writer has expressed some concerns about Kooday but so far I'm pleased with our results.
AlertPay is another advertiser here at If you decide to invest in Kooday then you'll have to get an account at AlertPay first. AlertPay is a lot like PayPal except they seem to be better suited to work with small businesses and small investors-- you know, the kinds of people who work in and shop at Greensboro's junkyards.
We're also happy to work with more local advertisers from in and around the Piedmont Triad. If you'd like to know more you may e-mail or call our office at 336 272 3820.