Saturday, July 24, 2010

Slow Day At The Junkyard

It was a slow day at Oscar Jacob's Junkyard and Garage-- so slow he couldn't help but notice the bottle blond drive up in the parking lot. Besides, other than his tow truck, the Porsche was the only car in the parking lot. Oscar met her at the door, "Morning, how can I help you this morning?"

"I need an alternator for my car," the blond replied.

"I can fix you right up, $125 bucks installed," Oscar said with a smile.

"Wow, that's a lot cheaper than the garage up the street."

"You go wait inside the air conditioning and I'll have you fixed-up in just a jiffy," Oscar smiled, "Soft drinks are on the house."

The blond went inside and Oscar went straight to work. A half hour later he went to the door and beckoned the blond, "Come out and look at the repairs, I've got her all fixed up."

"Looks good," the blond exclaimed, "but that's not my car."

"It's not?" Oscar was puzzled. "But it's the only car here."

"That's because my car is at the garage up the street. You just fixed their loaner car."