Odd Parts

Odd Parts is not really about parts but is instead meant to entertain and inform you about our modern day used auto parts dealers and the automotive recyclers we commonly call junk yards. It's here you'll find out about the humor, history and culture of an industry that keeps you on the road. The list is short but have no doubt it will grow in time

A Trip Through The Junkyard

Car Tips

Earn Extra Money

Junkyard Arts

Junkyard Dogs

Junkyard Humor

Junkyard Poetry

Junkyard Politics.

Junkyards In The News

True Tales From The Junkyard

If you own or operate an automotive recycling business, or just like writing about junkyards, and would like to share your poetry, stories, jokes or observations about junkyards-- even if you are far from the Piedmont Triad Region of North Carolina-- we would love to hear from you. Send your submissions to RecycleBill@gmail.com and in some instances we will even pay you for nonexclusive rights to your works.